There is a best-selling book called “On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of NightTime Sleep” This book is only intended to be used after a baby is 6 weeks old because of the scheduled feeding times. The book shouldn’t be used on a baby earlier than six weeks because they need to be fed as often as they want because there stomach is tiny and cannot absorb that much food.
Pediatrician Robert Bucknam and co-author Gary Ezzo’s infant management concepts presented in this book have found favor with over six million parents in all 50 states and 16 languages around the world. Scientists can put a man on the moon, but they cannot answer the most basic question of early parenting: how to have a happy and contented baby, who sleeps continually through the night like the rest of the family, and a mother who is not in a perpetual state of exhaustion.
This book trained both of my girls to sleep through the night by six months. My first daughter slept through the night after following the schedule for only one day and night. She never woke up during the night after that. I have come to realize from the book that if a baby is full and isn’t sleeping in a soiled diaper that they will sleep through the night and be energetic and happy throughout the day.